Data loss is one of the risks of modern technology. Most companies and individuals will face data loss sooner or later. Although back-ups are made, there is always a risk of hard drive failure.

You can imagine the chaos when critical data is lost, and it needs to be recovered as quickly as possible. Data detect aims to do just this – recover your data quickly and safely.

If you have forgotten to back-up important files, consider using our reputable and experienced data recovery services.

We offer professional and quality file retrieval for almost any kind of modern technology. For example:

• single hard drive or multiple RAID drives
• Interfaces: IDE, EIDE, Serial ATA (SATA), SCSI, SAS
• The following brands: Maxtor, Western Digital, Seagate, IBM & Hitachi, Fujitsu, Toshiba, Samsung, Iomega, Lacie.

In the event of data loss:

1. Give us a call or request a quote
2. Book your media on quote approval.
3. To avoid any further damage we request that you following our packing guidelines
4. Remember – we only charge if we recover the data

Once we have received your hard dive, a free diagnostic evaluation determines whether the media device is accessible to our equipment. A clone of your hard drive is then made and the recovery begins. We use proprietary software and in-house techniques to recover your data.
Your data is then written to any media of your choice (external hard drive, CD, DVD, tape, etc.) and delivered back to you. Our team will provide you with simple instructions on how to access and reinstall your recovered data. Data Detect’s technical support staff are available for assistance should you have any queries or comments.