Exclusive Partner Program Application

By clicking on SUBMIT you confirm to have read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions of the Customer Care Referral Program listed below:

Data Detect Customer Care Referral Program Terms and Conditions:
1.1 There is no fee for a company to register for or receive the benefits of the Customer Care Referral Program (PROGRAM) of Data Detect (Pty) Ltd (DD),nor is the Customer Care Referral Partner (PARTNER) making any commitment to recommend the services of DD.
1.2 In order for the PARTNER to receive the benefits of the PROGRAM, this registration form must be completed in full and returned to DD by post or by fax, or the representative of the company may phone DD.
2.1 Once registered, the PARTNER will receive a 20% commission on the then current labour charges of DD for all referred CUSTOMERS (CUSOMERS). No commission is given for parts, media, shipping or GST.
2.2 If the Customer requests and approves EMERGENCY SERVICES (after hours, weekends and public holidays), the Partner shall receive a commission of 25% on the EMERGENCY SERVICES labour surcharge then in effect.
3.1 All references to hours, working hours and work days, unless otherwise stated are 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays and weekends. Delivery of the CUSTOMER’S media is restricted to these hours unless other arrangements have been made.
4.1. In order for a PARTNER to receive the benefits of the PROGRAM the CUSTOMER must identify themselves as being referred to DD by the PARTNER organization, either with the use of a PROGRAM sticker on the outside of the box or anti-static bag or by a note accompanying the media with the full name and address of the PARTNER.
5.1 Except as stated herein, all of the normal Terms and Conditions of DD services shall apply to any job submitted by a CUSTOMER. Normal Terms and Conditions are included with DD’s Diagnostic Assessment and Data Recovery Agreement which will be supplied and must be approved by the CUSTOMER for each job unless other arrangements are made.